Throughout its existence, independent pharmacy has been the model of individual commitment to hard work, responsibility to the people, and freedom to create a rich career whose reward is seen as a myriad of faces and lives made healthier thanks to a pharmacist who cares.
In more than 180 years of business, we have established ourselves as innovators working to create powerful relationships, which go beyond the traditional roles of supplier/customer.
From an 1841 Shreveport river-front warehouse to the latest in state-of-the-art equipment and procedures for distribution of pharmaceutical and associated products, M&D is making a difference in the lives of pharmacists and in the pharmaceutical business.
With a direct link between our customers, staff, and owners, we eliminate the layers of management and protocol that often encumber new development, direction and change. M&D is dedicated to change.
The Morris & Dickson Experience is just that—an experience with a pharmaceutical distributor who understands the needs of your environment.