Whether you’re a large multi-campus organization or a small four-bed group home, RTasks offers a fully integrated set of features to create effective workplace systems. RTasks streamlines your work, enhances organization, and establishes systems of accountability.
No matter your role — whether you’re a caregiver using ECharting or EMAR features, a nurse completing assessments and reporting incidents, a manager supervising staff, an accounting professional handling invoices and payments, or an executive needing quick access to information — RTasks has a solution for you.
RTasks combines sophistication with an intuitive, user-friendly interface, meeting all your needs and making it easy for your staff to learn and navigate the software.
We provide a comprehensive electronic medication administration record (eMAR) system, starting from receiving and reviewing medication information from the pharmacy to charting medication administration or declination. Our system ensures controlled medication management, documents medications taken out of the facility by residents on leave, and allows for documenting medication destruction upon discharge or discontinuation of the medication. It also assists in drug diversion prevention and provides accountability throughout every step of the process.
RTasks makes the entry and management of electronic health records easy and efficient. From the creation of a basic resident profile to the addition of services, medications, notes, storage of documents, and more, the process of creating a complete client record is intuitive and user-friendly.