It's the end of the work day. You’ve filled hundreds of prescriptions and have probably sold hundreds more. You and your staff have solved all sorts of problems, from insurance problems to refill requests and everything in between.

Now, at long last, it’s time to close up shop. The sun is setting and the day is coming to an end, but a pharmacist’s work is not done quite yet.

The closing time rush is one like no other. A sudden influx of patients just happen to come to your pharmacy during the final hour of the day. Whether it’s procrastination, a full moon, or very convenient timing, the reality is all the same: that fill queue isn’t going to lower itself.

Here are some simple, actionable, and proven ways to handle the closing time rush.

Stabilize Your Workflow

To navigate through choppy waters, you need a steady ship. Effective pharmacy work consists of several seemingly unrelated parts coming together to create a cohesive, unstoppable whole. Let’s look at two parts, one verbal and another technological.

Effective communication among your pharmacy staff is a must in work, especially during the closing time rush. Make sure your team is ready to take care that family wanting their flu shots or a last-minute ER prescription.

You might want to tell each tech to stay at their specialized station (read our blog, 6 Ways You Can Deliver Unreasonable Hospitality in Your Pharmacy to learn how to realize your pharmacy team’s potential). This ensures every prescription and sale are being handled by your team at the height of their powers.

Now, let’s move from the analog to the digital. If your pharmacy team is your crew, your pharmacy software is the steering wheel. Make sure you have a pharmacy software that provides a flexible and adaptable workflow, even in the busiest of times. Having a reliable pharmacy system by your side can make the crazy days feel like a walk in the park.

Communicate Your Business Hours to Your Patients

Communication is the most important element of your relationship with your patients. From consultations to explaining the status of their prescriptions, how and what you say sets the tone for the health journey ahead.

Sometimes a patient comes into your pharmacy near closing time simply because they weren’t aware of your pharmacy’s business hours. It’s not unusual for a patient to assume your pharmacy is open 24 hours a day. Make sure your patients know that 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM timeslot is sacred through word of mouth, hanging signs in your pharmacy, or putting the hours on your receipts.

Not only will this (hopefully) prevent last-minute encounters, but — with the right words and delivery — can improve general patient communication and relationships.

Simply Do the Work

Sometimes the best solutions are the simplest. You have a brilliant pharmacy team with an equally effective software — so now it’s time to get to work.

You can’t control the tide with a broom, so go with the waves. Sometimes you can’t avoid the closing time rush, no matter how many social posts you post or signs you hang in your pharmacy. All you can do is do the work, so do it well.

Got five ER prescriptions in the queue? Take care of them as quickly and efficiently as possible. Have the pharmacist ready to visually verify the scripts so they’re ready in a timely manner.

Need some extra hands for that family getting their flu shots? Have one tech process the insurance claims while the clerk is ready at the register to complete the transaction.

It’s all hands on deck when managing the closing time rush in your pharmacy, so make sure everyone is on their A-game during the last stretch.

Plan Ahead

Closing your pharmacy for the day isn’t like flipping a light switch, even if we want it to be. As such, it’s important to start your pharmacy’s closing process well before you lock your doors for the day.

Close your drive thru 15 minutes before you close for the day. Any seasoned pharmacy vet knows that the drive thru can exacerbate the closing time rush so it’s best to close it ahead of time.

Then close your pharmacy’s drop off window about five or 10 minutes before closing. It's up to you if you want to take in new prescriptions right up until closing time.

You likely have other processes to look after when closing your pharmacy. See if you can start them ahead of time to prevent staying in the pharmacy too long after closing.


Time is of the essence, especially when it’s closing time for your pharmacy. Make sure your workflow is efficient and adaptable enough to weather any work-related storm.

Manage the closing time rush with these simple but effective steps and you’ll get to lock your doors right on time.

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