
Global Traceability and Supply Chain Solutions
Vendor Summary

Founded in 2013, LSPedia is a global leader in turnkey compliance, serialization, traceability, business intelligence, and supply chain solutions. Its OneScan Suite is the gold standard for comprehensive compliance with the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA), and its Investigator software is the first collaborative, automated platform for efficiently resolving pharmaceutical transaction data and logistics exceptions in real time.

OneScan Pharmacy Pro is the leading DSCSA solution built for dispensers, designed and proven to increase productivity, profitability, and supply chain visibility. LSPedia's seamless, cloud-based compliance solution streamlines the track-and-trace requirements with little impact on your daily processes.

To get started, click here.

Complete DSCSA Compliance for Dispensers (PDF)

Pharmacy DSCA Checklist (PDF)

Product & Services


DSCSA Compliance
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