It’s October, which means it’s that scary time of year again. . . flu season. Wash your hands, stock up on tissues, and pharmacists, promote your flu shots!
This flu season, the CDC recommends that individuals get their vaccinations by the end of October for optimal protection.
So, it is important to get the word out and remind patients to get their shots on time. But how do you most effectively make sure people are taking advantage of this opportunity at your pharmacy?
The first tip lies directly within the PioneerRx pharmacy software: Rx Edits.
The Rx Edits feature allows you to create custom notifications that can prompt the pharmacist at the point-of-sale to bring up flu shots during a patient visit.
These edits can be attached to individual care plans, flagging the specific patients who still need their shot. By adding this into your workflow, you are automatically reminded and do not have to worry about missed opportunities. Instead, you can focus your energy on providing the best care for your patients.
In addition to these direct reminders, you can also create flyers and brochures to place within your pharmacy. You can even check out these free printable materials from the CDC website if you don’t have time to make your own.
Don’t forget to target your online audience by spreading the word through digital outlets. Use social media to post tips & reminders, and make sure to update your pharmacy’s website with flu shot information as well.
Do patients sometimes call your pharmacy and get put on hold for a minute? Make use of that time by recording an “on-hold” message that puts flu shots on their mind. Then, if they have any questions you can discuss them once the call begins.
Despite all of these efforts, some people just can’t find the time to go get their shot at the pharmacy. To combat this, consider reaching out to local businesses in your area to set up a flu shot event during the workday. And who knows, you might even get some new patients as a result.
Flu season can be stressful, but as a pharmacist, you can protect your community and promote good health habits. Visit our pharmacy system page to learn more about how to integrate immunizations into your pharmacy.