Does your pharmacy software save you from having to manually search your state’s PMP website?

Monitoring for potential prescription abuse is a critical step but it doesn’t have to take up valuable time. With PioneerRx, you can access all PMP submissions on an individual patient basis right within the software.

PioneerRx automatically analyzes PMP data and the selected patient’s history to give you a full risk assessment right at your fingertips.

Adam Beam, pharmacist and co-owner of Family Pharmacy in Vernon, TX, says this functionality within PioneerRx’s pharmacy software streamlines the PMP process.

“It used to take us around 3-5 minutes to do a PMP lookup. Now, it takes around 20 seconds. I combined it with an Rx Edit and Rx Trigger combination so we never forget to check the PMP. We use this feature around 50 times a day in the pharmacy, so it’s a huge help to us!”
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