PioneerRx's pharmacy software enables independent pharmacies to proactively monitor their patients' adherence numbers.

One of these measures is Proportion of Days covered, or PDC, which is ideal for maintaining PQA and 5-Star measures.

PDC is calculated based on the number of days supply a drug is dispensed for, divided by the number of days the prescription is in the patient's possession.

"For example, a 30-day supply of a drug refilled after 35 days (30÷35) yields a PDC Score of 85%," explains Ruston Taylor, the Senior Director of Pharmacy at Legacy Community Health Services in Houston, TX.

Legacy Community Health Services is the only federally qualified health center in the state and dispenses around 15,000 prescriptions each month, with a significant number related to HIV.

Ruston emphasizes the importance of maintaining patients on their medications, particularly for HIV patients, stating, "The only way we'll end the HIV epidemic is if we keep the greatest number possible undetectable. That's why we strive to know which patients are or are not coming for their medications so we can pinpoint them in the software and address the issue."

In addition to HIV management, PDC scores and other tools in PioneerRx's pharmacy technology are utilized to address other chronic disease states.

Ruston highlights that HIV patients are at a high risk for comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia.

"We're using PDC scores and many other tools in PioneerRx's pharmacy technology to meet HIV and these other diagnoses head-on," adds Ruston.

By leveraging PioneerRx's comprehensive software, independent pharmacies can proactively monitor medication adherence and employ measures like PDC scores to identify patients at risk and intervene promptly.

This allows pharmacies to optimize patient care and contribute to better health outcomes.

PioneerRx's pharmacy software empowers pharmacies to go beyond dispensing and deliver enhanced patient care through effective adherence monitoring.

By integrating measures like PDC scores and leveraging the comprehensive tools available, pharmacies can proactively address medication adherence, improve patient outcomes, and contribute to better overall healthcare.

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